

VanHier converts natural residual flows and fast growing crops into a thin, thermoformable & bendable sheet material. BioM consists of 100% natural fibers and a natural binder. It is used as high-quality decorative biolaminate with a beautiful natural appearance, home compostable, recyclable & moisture proof (wipeable); suitable for indoor applications. It is possible to finish the sheets with natural color coatings, in such way the natural fibers remain visible.

Made of

Three ingredients are needed to make BioM sheet material:
1. Natural fibers (40 – 45%), a filler (45%) and binding agent (10 – 15%). Various Dutch natural fibers, in particular from plants or grasses, can be used. Each natural fiber has a unique appearance.
2. As filler we use cellulose from elephant grass, also from the Netherlands.
3. The binder is 100% natural and home compostable; it is obtained from plant waste.

Production process

  • VanHier works together with farmers, plant- and flower breeders, nature reserves, local authorities and green waste processors
  • Natural residual flows and fiber crops are dried and cutted into usable fibers (raw materials)
  • These natural fibers are mixed with elephant grass cellulose
  • A natural and ‘home compostable’ binding agent is added
  • The mixture is distributed in a preparation mould
  • It is pressed into a thin sheet (without a mold) in a heat press between 120 and 180 degrees
  • The sheet is cut out and (biobased) coated with the desired colour


BioM can be perfectly used as a biolaminate. For example, the material has already been used as wall finish in The Natural Pavilion (Almere), as tabletop in the Provinciehuis Zuid Holland (The Hague) and as a tabletop in the reception hall of Waterschap Hollandse Delta (Ridderkerk).

Environmental impact

Because they work with local natural raw materials, in which CO2 is stored, they (expectedly) produce CO2 negatively. This has not yet been fully calculated, they hope to be able to publish figures very soon. No toxic substances are added.

Currently, natural residual flows are incinerated or composted, which is an enormous destruction of value in terms of money and valuable raw materials.

Also good to know

BioM is flexible and thermoformable. By heating the material, organic products can be made from it.

Growth opportunities

We see growth possibilities in dimensions (from 61x61cm to 122x244cm) and in thickness (from 2mm to 8mm). For example, it is possible to laminate several layers of BioM with biobased glue to produce: BioMultiplex, a sturdy panel that can be used constructively in the future. BioMultiplex can be made in any desired thickness. Currently (Q2 2023), too many steps in the production process are still produced manually and in badges. We expect to be able to produce on a larger scale (and more automatically) in 2024.
