Project Milestone
In the city of Eindhoven (The Netherlands) five 3D-printed concrete houses will be built. The project is the world’s first commercial housing project based on 3D-concrete printing. The houses will all be occupied, they will meet all modern comfort requirements, and they will be purchased and let out by a real estate company. Check it out!
Kamp C is the first to print a complete house in one piece
Kamp C, the Westerlo-based (BE) provincial Centre for Sustainability and Innovation in construction, printed a house using the largest 3D concrete printer in Europe. The 90-square metre dwelling was printed in one piece with a fixed printer. Visit the website!
The 3d printed house Gaia
On the occasion of the “Viaggio a Shamballa” event and the “A call to save the world” conference, WASP presents Gaia, a case study of 3D printed house using the new Crane WASP technology with natural materials from the surrounding area. The Italian company’s commitment, since its origins in 2012, has been constantly aimed at the development of equipment for additive manufacturing on an architectural scale and the inauguration of Gaia represents an important milestone.