Mycelium and timber Lightshade

Sebastian Cox

這盞燈是由菌絲體(真菌)和綠色木材廢料種植而成。當中所用到的榛樹和山羊柳這兩種英國木材,目前並沒有經濟價值,往往只被視為廢物。將菌絲體與綠色木材廢料並置,菌絲體生長時會將木材緊緊扣緊,無需使用粘合劑,因此這盞燈可以徹底地降解。日後當這盞燈再無用處,它可以歸於自然循環,有助於自然的生長而非破壞。設計工作室Sebastian Cox與設計思考家Ninela Ivanova合作,攜手研究和實驗利用菌絲體(真菌)和木材製成傢俱。他們希望探索將這種獨特物料作為傳統材料的替代品,用於功能和家居設計。Sebastian希望製作的每件傢俱都能對環境有所裨益,改變傢俱生產模式,不再導致林地縮減,反而可讓之繁盛生長。

設計工作室Sebastian Cox以自然出發,設計並製作傢俱和家居配飾,並旨在改變傢俱生產模式,不再導致林地縮減,反而可讓之繁盛生長。 目標是在2040年前,讓英國的林地和未受破壞的土地面積翻倍,並每年儲存100噸二氧化碳在他們所製作的物品中。他們希望製作的每件傢俱都能對環境有所裨益。



This lamp is grown from mycelium (fungus) and green wood waste. Coppiced hazel and goat willow are two species of British wood currently without an economically valuable use and often considered as waste. The mycelium grows and binds the green wood waste together, so no glue is needed. In that way this lamp becomes entirely compostable. Once you are done using the lamp, it can be returned to the cycle, contributing to growth rather than destruction of nature. Design studio Sebastian Cox worked together with design strategist and thinker Ninela Ivanova to research and experiment with grown furniture, made using mycelium (fungus) and wood. They wanted to explore the use of this extraordinary material as an alternative to traditional ones for functional and domestic design. The aim of Sebastian is to produce products and furniture in such a way that woodland expands rather than shrinks. The design studio’s contribution is to make furniture that is good for the environment.

About Sebastian Cox

Design studio Sebastian Cox designs and makes furniture and home accessories from a natural perspective. Its aim is to produce furniture in such a way that woodland expands rather than shrinks. The goal is for the number of woodlands and areas of unspoilt land in Great Britain to have doubled by 2040, and to store 100 tonnes of Co2 in the things they make every year. The design studio’s contribution is to make furniture that is good for the environment.
