
Buurman Antwerpen

Rough outdoor bench made of reclaimed materials: buffer blocks reclaimed at Port of
Antwerp and log board from an Antwerp city tree.

Who wouldn’t want to sit on a bench with a history like this?

If you’re lucky, you’ll hear the stories that the city trees and harbor beams carried with them for a lifetime.

Parts of the RAW-Bench

  • Seat made of reclaimed belinga buffer blocks from Port of Antwerp
  • Backrest out of beech or oak-wood from Antwerp city tree
  • Connectors from production leftover-materials

Production Process

  • The buffer blocks from the Port of Antwerp were cut into size with a chainsaw and sanded.
  • The backrest came from an Antwerp city tree that was cut into boards on a sawmill, naturally dried, sanded and oiled.
  • The pieces were connected with remnants from a production, cut with a miter saw and attached with large screws.


This raw bench is a perfect fit for outdoor use. The seating blocks have been aging in water for
multiple generations, as a result of which they will be resistant to outdoor conditions for a
long time. The backrest is suitable for outdoor use if maintained regularly.
Some form of protection against rain, like a shelter or outcrop, can extend the life of the backrest.

Environmental impact

Because all the materials were recovered from incineration waste or the shredders,
the impact on the environment is limited. Besides the transportation of the material, there
was very little CO2 emission needed for the production of the bench and emissions were even
compensated by reusing these materials (in stead of having extra CO2 emissions from burning them).

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